After signing, you will receive two initial newsletters: the 1st one to express gratitude and the 2nd one containing my story. Following that, you will only receive one to two newsletters per month. These newsletters will provide updates on my progress, details about upcoming events in which I will be participating, and information about future figurative classes that I will be offering. Thank you in advance.
Your reviews are invaluable in helping me improve and grow as an artist, as well as providing accurate insights to future participants about my workshops, materials, and knowledge.
I'd love to know you came to my website.
You can use this form to leave a review as well.
I hope you enjoyed my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Have a wonderful day!
Ana Balzán
(Your email address will never be given to any organization or person)
You can use this form to leave a review as well.
I hope you enjoyed my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Have a wonderful day!
Ana Balzán
(Your email address will never be given to any organization or person)